Anchored is a mentoring program for adolescent girls that walks them through how to firmly anchor their identity in Christ. The Anchored program is offered as a 1 on 1 program for a more in depth, focused coaching as well as a small group program for girls in similar age groups to benefit from the community and healing nature of processing things together in a safe environment.

The Anchored Program Includes:

  • Intro Session with Student and Parent

  • Four 1:1 Coaching Sessions

  • Anchored Curriculum Workbook

The Anchored Group Program Includes:

  • Anchored Workbook

  • 4 Weekly Sessions (1 hour each)

  • Coaching & Mentoring from Ashley during group sessions

  • Connection & Community with other girls

“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” 

- Psalm 139:14